Nike, “Time is Precious” A new campaign to encourage athletes

Nike says the campaign is a build-up to the holiday season and the short films aim to encourage athletes of any level to give themselves the best gift of all: Time to do sport. So, are we training today?
Time is Precious
Client: Nike
Project name: “Time is precious”
Client Contact: David Reti / Alex Lopez
Agency: W+K Portland
Creative Directors: Chris Groom & Antony Goldstein
Creative: Stefan van den Boogaard
Creative: Tim Arts
Executive Producer: Matt Hunnicutt
Producer: Amy Berriochoa
Account Team: Anna Boteva, Luiza Prata Carvalho, Alyssa Ramsey
Strategic Planning: Zack Kaplan, Henry Lambert
Media/Comms Planning: Lisa Feldhusen, John Furnari
Business Affairs: Anna Beth Nagel
Project Management: Andrea Nelsen
Studio Designer: Leslie Waara
Studio Manager: Leticia Barajas
Motion Designer: Alex Bernard
Editorial Company: Joint
Editor: Eric Hill
Assistant Editors: JB Jacobs, Kevin Alfoldy, Mimi Bergen, Dylan Sylwester
Post Producer: Sarah Fink
Post Executive Producer: Leslie Carthy
Mix Company: Joint
Mixer: Noah Woodburn
Audio Assistant: Natalie Huizenga
Audio Producer: Sarah Fink