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Palau Legacy Project Palau Pledge | An innovative step against ecological damage in Palau

Palau Legacy Project Palau Pledge | An innovative step against ecological damage in Palau

The Palau Legacy Project Palau Pledge

Human impact on the environment is one of the greatest forces challenging our prolonged survival on planet Earth. A number of initiatives around the globe advocate the importance of being eco-friendly. Along the same lines, a new visa entry process for Palau takes the fight against ecological damage to a scale hitherto undreamt of. The crafty initiative titled The Palau Pledge makes it compulsory for tourists to sign a pledge to preserve the ecology of Palau during their visit to the island country.

The Palau Legacy Project Palau Pledge

The pledge dedicated to the children of Palau has been made accessible in multiple languages and finds its most significant presence in the form of a passport stamp. Furthermore, the new immigration policy has been integrated into the whole tourism experience. Some of the measures reinforcing the pledge include a redesigned tourism website, a passport stamp, an in-flight film, local education, business accreditation, and the provision for fines and collateral.

The Palau Legacy Project Palau Pledge

Owing to its impact-oriented outlook, the pledge has received an abundance of praise by many international bodies including the United Nations. Influencers spread across various platforms also came forward to aid the awareness program for the pledge. Consequently, Palau’s new immigration policy ended up creating 1.7 billion media impressions in 4 weeks. It is being predicted that more than 2 million tourists will sign the pledge over the next 10 years.

It is our belief that this first-of-its-kind initiative is a paramount step that has the potential to pave the way towards a global revolution. We express complete solidarity with the campaign and encourage others to support it as well.

Palau Pledge:

The Palau Legacy Project, Palau Pledge, Digital, Influencer activity, influencer Campaign, Travel, Tourist, Pledge campaign, Digital Campaign, Havas, Host/Havas, Awareness Campaign, Environment

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