Your Army Needs You | The British Army’s progressive recruitment campaign

Millennials, as well as the young adults of Generation Z, are often criticized for their excessive dependence on technology, and social-media inspired cultural trends. They are stereotypically presumed to be entitled, pretentious, lazy, and egoistic. However, painting such a conservative social picture of two entire generations is as detrimental as stating that all women should be housewives. Thankfully, the British Army has made it clear with a recent recruitment campaign that it stands against this over-generalized view of today’s youth. Your Army Needs You is a recruitment drive targeted at incorporating gamers and snowflakes into the British armed forces.
The campaign has been conceptualized by a London-based advertising agency called Karmarama and manifests itself in the form of short films, radio adverts, and posters. The storytelling ideology of the campaign revolves around themes like Stamina, Spirit, and Resilience. The material in the series talks about the unique abilities of different sections of the youth and leaves the targeted audience with a call-for-action. For instance, one video of the campaign pushes the idea that gamers of today have the stamina that the British Army needs. The other promotional content of the campaign makes its impact along the same lines.
We feel that this forward-thinking initiative of the British Army will provide many youngsters with a sense of purpose. The campaign’s heart lies in the creative delivery of its intended message. Consequently, it is bound to resonate with today’s youth!
Creative Agency: Karmarama
Advertiser: The British Army, United Kingdom
Campaign: Your Army Needs You
Recruitment Campaign, Stereotypes, Karmarama, British Army Ads, British Army Campaigns, Digital, TVC, Advertising agency, London, storytelling