With Think-Pink, Leo Burnett see breasts everywhere!

Women should have their breasts examined regularly. Unfortunately, they tend to neglect this important appointment in their ever so busy lives. Unless relatives or loved ones remind them to do so. The impetus can come from a family member, children, or of course the men in their lives. And everyone knows, men have a very special relationship with breasts. They are inexhaustible about them, they see them everywhere.
Brand: Think Pink
Media: TV
Category: Public Interest, NGO
Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett Brussels, Belgium
Creative Director: Tom Garcia
Art Director: Ivan Moons
Copywriter: Raf De Smet
Managing Partner: Kaat Danneels
Account Director: Jeroen Vernelen
Account Executive: Elodie Pagaud
Agency RTV Producer: Monique Sampermans
Production Company Radio: Cobra Radio Brewery
Producer Radio: Raf Debraekeleer , Christophe Cossement
Production Company TV: Dark Horse
Producer TV: Brigitte Baudoin
Post-production: Pix Mix
Published: June 2016