Change the Ref – Shamecards

Change the Ref, Shamecards, Campaigns of the world

The American Shamecards is focused on exposing the disastrous effects of the mass shooting pandemic while it also brings the subject to lawmakers’ attention.


How do you want to be remembered? That’s the question Change The Ref is asking communities across America. And we’re doing it with Shamecards: a unique collection of postcards that show how a lack of gun laws is changing this country. Each card allows you to tell Congress how you want your state to be remembered. So, pick yours now, send it, and let your voice be heard.

Columbine. Newtown. Charleston. Parkland. These are just a few of the American cities and towns remembered as locations of the deadliest mass shootings in history. In their latest project, Change the Ref and MullenLowe U.S. put a surprising and provocative twist on classic tourism postcards with ‘Shamecards’, a collection of 53 postcards to call people to action on gun reform.

The postcards were designed by 30 artists in 25 countries around the world who were excited to engage with the project and bring renewed awareness to this tragic issue.

Annapolis, Maryland

Indianapolis, Indiana

Camden, New Jersey

Huntington, West Virginia

Chicago Illinois

Change the Ref, Shamecards, Campaigns of the world

Geneva, Alabama

Advertising Agency: MullenLowe
Client: Change the Ref